Terrifrying (Eggs) with Isabelle, Will, Torry

How do you like your eggs? Our players come prepared to craft eggceptional creations that bring rich backstories to ordinary eggs and their journeys to being cooked and eaten. And do eggs want to be eaten? Join us and our guests Will and Torry, and eggscape to a world of eggcitement and eggsistentism as we determine which egg dish is the best of them all!

This competition was guest hosted by Isabelle.

This episode was produced and edited by Corey B.

Egg Creations

View our beautiful egg creations as you follow along with the podcast!

“Ewan Mc-Egg-er” by Will
“Regginald” by Corey B
“Eggmily in Paris” by Torry
“Mini Egg” by Torry
“Egg Bird” (Front) by Corey B (created by Corey’s son)
“Egg Bird” (Back) by Corey B (created by Corey’s son)
“Egg-Regis Philbin” by Will

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